Join The Meribeth Kraybill Clan in support of A Campaign of Love for Iraqi Orphans and Street Children
The Meribeth Kraybill Clan
The Kraybill Clan
Give an Iraqi orphan or street child the chance to experience the normal joys of childhood!
There may be as many as 2.5 million orphans in Iraq today. Street children are estimated in the thousands. Many street children are impoverished orphans who beg on the streets or sell bottled water to help destitute relatives. They are vulnerable to exploitation by criminals and terrorists, as well as physical abuse, and human trafficking. Unless loving action is taken in the next 5-10 years, many orphans and street children may reach adulthood without help for the trauma and suffering they have experienced.
Sponsor one of these children and enable them to go to a safe haven where they get healthy meals, tutoring in math and reading, lessons in key values like honesty and teamwork, social services for emotional and other needs, time to play and a chance to experience the joys of a normal childhood!
Will you make room in your heart for one of these children?
NPR story link (sent November 13)
I heard a story on NPR over the weekend. If only Ali and his friend could have benefitted from SICF’s programs in Iran. I would think the soldier in the story would donate if he knew about SICF. The story was called “Amidst War, U.S. Guardsman Forges Unexpected Bond” on Scott Simon’s Weekend Edition (Nov. 10, 2012). I couldn’t get the link to copy correctly.
Our mission is to assist the people of Iraq by mobilizing a life-changing surge of love for millions of children orphaned by violence
The Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation is a US-based non-sectarian tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity (26-1394773) founded by two Americans who worked in Baghdad during the war. SICF is proud to support a center for orphans and street children, and to partner with the award-winning Children’s Village of New York to train Iraqi social workers with skills to address trauma in children. Among its other projects, SICF also mobilized an airlift of more than a ton of school supplies and toys for orphans.
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