Join The Meribeth Kraybill Clan in support of A Campaign of Love for Iraqi Orphans and Street Children

The Meribeth Kraybill Clan

1005 from 5 donors 1 update 1000 goal met!

100% of all donations go directly to the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation.

What is the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation’s A Campaign of Love Campaign?
The Campaign of Love for Iraqi Orphans and Street Children is a campaign to mobilize a life-changing surge of love for millions of children orphaned by violence.
What does $120 a month ($1,440/year) provide?
A gift of $120 a month covers all expenses for giving an orphan or street child the following loving services:
·$30 for a healthy breakfast and lunch
·$28 for tutoring, including teachers and school supplies
·$15 for social workers and home visits
·$47 for rental and maintenance of center as a safe haven, including security guard, cooking and housekeeping services, electricity, etc.
Where does my money go?
SICF works hard to keep its overhead expenses very low. In 2011, SICF business expenses came to less than 3.3% of the budget, and went to cover such operating expenses as website, tax/accounting, state registration, Paypal, and bank fees. SICF has no paid US staff. We are all volunteers. And we operate out of donated office space
How do I know my donation will make a difference?
All donors will receive a story and a photo about a life that has been changed through the work of Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation.


NPR story link

I heard a story on NPR over the weekend. If only Ali and his friend could have benefitted from SICF’s programs in Iran. I would think the soldier in the story would donate if he knew about SICF. The story was called “Amidst War, U.S. Guardsman Forges Unexpected Bond” on Scott Simon’s Weekend Edition (Nov. 10, 2012). I couldn’t get the link to copy correctly.