Join Yogi in support of Pratham's Race to Help Kids in India Get an Education


1545 from 3 donors 500 goal met!

Today’s reader is tomorrow’s leader.Pratham motto

100% of all donations will go directly to Pratham’s Read India program, which teaches underprivileged kids fundamental reading, writing, and math skills to children in the 6-14 age group. For more information on the program, click here >>.

For more information on the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon, click here >>

Thanks to...

Dec 18
Lavina view profile
Lavina made a 100 contribution
Dec 17
Lavina view profile
Lavina made a 75 contribution
Oct 26
Nina view profile
Nina made a 50 contribution
Oct 4
Himanshu view profile
Himanshu made a 250 contribution
1070 in offline donations

I'm racing to help kids in India get an education!

As a runner in this Fall’s San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Half-Marathon on Sunday Oct 7th, I want to make my race a life-changing effort for kids in India.
[UPDATE: Yes, I did run on Oct 7th. with a time of 2hr 7 min.]

Did you know almost half of India’s 210 million children can’t read? Without an education, they are unlikely ever to break the cycle of poverty that often ends in crime, addiction, and abuse.

Luckily, there’s Pratham, an organization whose mission is to get every child in India in school and learning well, through literary programs and volunteer teachers. And IT’S WORKING: since 1994, Pratham has changed the lives of millions of children in 21 Indian states!

I’m proud to support Pratham because through them I can help solve a seemingly overwhelming problem by giving to one child at a time. You and everyone I’m reaching out to can do the same, and together, we can make a difference for those in India!

By giving through SeeYourImpact, we know that 100% of our donations will be delivered directly to Pratham. Best of all, we’ll get photos and stories of the children whose lives we change!

Pratham means “first” in Sanskrit, a name that reflects their place in changing education for the poorest children in India. Pratham seeks to inspire people around the world to stand up for children’s education rights, and has opened chapters in Canada, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S.

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