Join Yoshitaka in support of Japan in the Schools


1260 from 9 donors 1000 goal met!
What is JIS?
Japan-In the Schools (JIS) is a signature program of the Japan-America Society of the State of Washington. The program has two distinct parts: Japan-in-a-suitcase (JS) for anybody to learn about Japan and Japanese Language and Culture Visits (JLCV): total-immersion experience for Japanese learners.
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Who does JIS serve
Offering free educational presentations to schools in the Puget Sound region. Since 1994, JIS has served more than 50,000 students.
How do volunteers have an impact on the JIS program?
Volunteers are a large part of the success of JIS program, and these lessons are led by these volunteers trained by the JASSW become a volunteer!

Thanks to...

May 1 Japanese Chamber of Commerce gave 950 for Japan in the Schools programming support
Apr 25
Shizuko view profile
Shizuko made a 50 contribution
Apr 22
Hiromi view profile
Hiromi gave 20 for Japan in the Schools programming support
Apr 21
Nobue view profile
Nobue gave 50 for Japan in the Schools programming support
Matthew view profile
Matthew made a 20 contribution
Taeko view profile
Taeko gave 50 for Japan in the Schools programming support
Sachiko view profile
Sachiko gave 50 for Japan in the Schools programming support
Apr 20
Yuko view profile
Yuko gave 20 for Japan in the Schools programming support
Yoshitaka view profile
Yoshitaka gave 50 for Japan in the Schools programming support

Save Japan in the Schools!

Japan In the Schools (JIS) is one of my students’ favorite lessons of the year. I have invited JIS to my classroom every year since 1994. JIS offers very interesting and interactive activities such as shopping, customs, dining in a restaurant, history (tokaido) and so forth. The activities are designed for students to get first hand experience practicing their Japanese with native speakers in the classroom. JIS brings authentic materials and props. Students can learn mannerisms from native speakers and can enhance their cultural awareness. These activities are aligned with World Language National Standards. (

I am very grateful to the Japan America Society of the State of Washington for generously offering this special opportunity to my students for so many years. Please help them save this incredibly valuable program for future students of Japanese.

About Japan-America Society of the State of Washington

Our mission…

The mission of JASSW is to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of Japan and Washington State by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information.

Our history…


JASSW was founded on July 24, 1923 by leaders from Seattle’s business, academic, and diplomatic communities. Except for a brief period during World War II, our organization has remained active in fostering Japan-Washington State trade, business and cultural activities, and maintains a close relationship with key government and private organizations, such as the Consulate-General of Japan and the Japan Business Association of Seattle.

Today, we maintain a diverse membership of Japanese and American corporations and individuals from throughout the state and provide varied programs that build positive US-Japan relations. The Society is one of 38 independent members of the National Association of Japan-America Societies.

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