Hi, my name is Sohni Uthra and I am a rising 6th grader at Marvin Ridge Middle School in Marvin, NC. I am 10 years old and I really enjoy reading. I want to help the kids in India because that is where my family is from and I believe every kid in the world should receive an education. I want to help the Pratham foundation because I really love to read and I want to help kids in India.
A-Z Mysteries- The X’ed Out X-ray
One book that I read was A-Z Mysteries-The X’ed Out X-ray. This series is mainly about about solving crimes. In this particular book, someone stole a famous singer’s precious pendant and everyone was searching for it. One boy named Dink sprained his arm on a carousel and when the “doctor” put a bandage on it, he asked Dink to read something but secretly put the pendant in the bandage. He wasn’t even the doctor. He was the thief!!
Goosebumps Horrorland- Monster Blood For Breakfast!
Another book I read was Goosebumps Horrorland- Monster Blood For Breakfast! This book is about a boy named Matt and his friend who is really annoying named Bradley. Bradley bought this thing called monster blood which makes you grow huge and burly. Matt took the blood away from him because he thought it was dangerous and it is. Livvy, Matt’s sister, tricked Bradley and put the Monster Blood in his cereal but he switched cereals with Matt. So during his swim meet, Matt grew and grew until he was 10 feet tall. But luckily he went back to normal size because the monster blood was just a 12 hour sample!!
I will update my page as I read more books!
Support a child’s right to an education!
Pratham is a grass roots organization committed to the task of removing illiteracy in India.
SeeYourImpact.org is a revolutionary way to help those in need around the world.
All funds raised in Pratham’s Readathon will be used to enable less fortunate children in India to succeed in school.
Just $14 provides a year of after-school tutoring to a child in India through Pratham’s Read India Program.
When you support a child in Pratham’s Readathon through SeeYourImpact.org, you are not only supporting primary education of disadvantaged children in India and making a positive impact on their future, you are also encouraging children here to develop an appreciation for reading, introducing them to the gift of giving and helping them to appreciate the excellent education available in the US.
Even better, you’ll meet the child in India who is matched to your donation!
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