Hi! I am Simran Rajpal. I am a rising 5th grader. I love reading. My dad told me about Pratham, and I learnt that Pratham helps spread education to kids in India, especially those that may not be as lucky as many of us are.
When my dad mentioned to me about Pratham’s Read-a-thon, I got really excited. Since I love reading, and I would love for other kids to have the fun of reading as well, I wanted to participate and help.
For every book I read I would really love it, if you could contribute as a sponsor, and help me collect as much money as I can so that Pratham helps spread education to many more kids in India. That way they would also have the fun of reading.
If your gift of sponsorship helps me read many books, and also helps many kids become great readers – isn’t that a great gift ?
Thanks so much.
Here Are The Books That I Completed:
1 Dear America-The Diary Of Piper Davis, By: Author: Kirby Larson. This book is about a 12 year old girl named Piper and her experiences in Seattle during World War II. Her brother goes into the navy and Piper keeps worrying about him. Her friends are all Japaneese so after the Pearl Harbor air attack she not being japaneese or of Japaneese descendants, is separated from her friends and feels lonelier than ever. Her father being the preacher tries to help the Japaneese by moving where ever the Japaneese in the camps go. The story ends with Piper’s brother coming home but her best friend’s brother going into the navy. I liked this book because it depicts life during World War II, and how Piper was very helpful and caring to her Japaneese friends.
2. The Callahan Cousins (Together Again) By Author: Elizabeth Doyle Carey. This book is about four cousins who are all 12 years old and are at thier grandma’s house for christmas. They go sledding, carroling, snowman contests and even have a real evergreen tree. Their grandma surprises the cousins with a sleepover at an old whaling museum. The cousins all go crazy for presents for their grandma and end up giving her perfume, a puppy, a cooking kit and a family picture. The cousin who gives the puppy ends up getting to keep it and names it Gabriel. The book ends with a happy ending with people hugging and getting ready to go home. I liked this book because it shows a happy family that gets along pretty well even though they fight sometimes. Also this book just makes you want to cuddle up with a cup of hot cocoa and read the whole book.
3. Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott. This book is about four girls (Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy), who are poor and very close together. And also believe that family is the most important thing there is.
4. The Serpent’s Shadow by Rick Riordan. The third book from the Kane Chronicles has an exciting twist to it. The book is really exciting.
5. Who was Sacagawea? by Judith and Dennis Fradin. This book tells the tales of Sacagawea and how she helped the Lewis and Clark expedition.
6. The Stolen Saphire by Sarah Masters Buckey. This book is about two sisters going on a cruise to Ireland with a precious gem onboard. The book tells an exciting story when the gem gets lost.
7. Red Scarf Girl by Ji Li Jiang. This book is about a girl’s life during Chines cultural revolution. She fights for her family to keep them safe.
8. Creepover Truth or Dare? by P J Night. This book is about a girl and how another girl sabotages her slumber party.
9. Priscilla The Great by Sybil Nelson. This book is about a girl having super powers and using them to help other people.
10. Anathema by Megg Jensen. This book is about a servant girl turning fifteen and having powers to read clouds.
Support a child’s right to an education!
Pratham is a grass roots organization committed to the task of removing illiteracy in India.
SeeYourImpact.org is a revolutionary way to help those in need around the world.
All funds raised in Pratham’s Readathon will be used to enable less fortunate children in India to succeed in school.
Just $14 provides a year of after-school tutoring to a child in India through Pratham’s Read India Program.
When you support a child in Pratham’s Readathon through SeeYourImpact.org, you are not only supporting primary education of disadvantaged children in India and making a positive impact on their future, you are also encouraging children here to develop an appreciation for reading, introducing them to the gift of giving and helping them to appreciate the excellent education available in the US.
Even better, you’ll meet the child in India who is matched to your donation!
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