Thank you so much for visiting my page. My name is Enna and I live in Denver, Colorado. I am 7 years old and I like to read books and learn about new things. Reading is fun and will help me get a good education. I want the poor children in India to go to school like me and learn to read, write and have fun like we all do.
I am participating in the Readathon organized by Pratham, who helps children in India to get an education. I want to read 5 – 10 books so that I can help many children.
Pratham is a non-profit organization that helps kids in India to succeed in school. With only $14, Pratham can support a child in school for one year; and just $280 will pay for a reading program for an entire village.
I am really excited to spend a part of my break reading to help educate kids. Will you support me today by making a pledge for every book I read so that we can all help children in India? ($1- $10 per book or flat donation)
Thank you in advance.
P.S. If you decide to pledge, I will email you to remind you of your pledge when my Read-a-Thon is over on April 8th 2012. You can make your donation (flat donations are great too!) on my personal page.
SeeYourImpact will send you a tax receipt. About two weeks after you give, you will receive a story and photo about the child whose life you and I have helped change.
Support a child’s right to an education!
Pratham is a grass roots organization committed to the task of removing illiteracy in India. is a revolutionary way to help those in need around the world.
All funds raised in Pratham’s Readathon will be used to enable less fortunate children in India to succeed in school.
Just $14 provides a year of after-school tutoring to a child in India through Pratham’s Read India Program.
When you support a child in Pratham’s Readathon through, you are not only supporting primary education of disadvantaged children in India and making a positive impact on their future, you are also encouraging children here to develop an appreciation for reading, introducing them to the gift of giving and helping them to appreciate the excellent education available in the US.
Even better, you’ll meet the child in India who is matched to your donation!
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this cause!