Make A Difference - While We Can
I have decided to do something to help rescue the children of Iraq from the devastating effects of years of violence. Please help me reach my goal so we can give Iraqi orphans and street children opportunities for a better future. Together, our gifts will give them a chance to learn, play, eat nutritious food, get medical help, and experience healing, loving care at a place of safety during the day. Please watch the video!
Our mission is to assist the people of Iraq by mobilizing a life-changing campaign of love for millions of children orphaned by violence
The Iraqi Children Foundation is a US-based non-sectarian tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity (26-1394773) founded by two Americans who worked in Baghdad during the war. ICF is proud to support a center for orphans and street children, and to partner with the award-winning Children’s Village of New York to train Iraqi social workers with skills to address trauma in children. Among its other projects, ICF also mobilized an airlift of more than a ton of school supplies and toys for orphans.
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