Do you know a man that is broken and feeling like he is nothing more than damaged goods? Marked Men for Christ is a healing ministry led by men who can relate, but have found healing in the supernatural power of Jesus Christ and a brotherhood of wounded healers. Your donation will help me, a wounded healer, sponsor other men who may not ever invest in themselves.
A typical Phase One weekend cost $225 for lodging, food, and all supplies. Not much if the net result is a changed man, friend, husband, son, and dad. I was blessed when I attended my first weekend and I am now committed to helping strengthen “the next man”. This next year MMFC will host weekends in more than a dozen states and on at least three different continents. We are praying for over 1,000 men to attend in 2014.
I am giving a gift of $675 sponsoring three men to their first ever MMFC weekend. I am hoping you will join me in my goal of raising another $675 to double my gift or $1,350 so that my total is tripled. Could you join my team and donate right now?!
Thanks in advance for taking time to visit my page and consider helping me reach my goal.
In Mission,
Jim Phillips
1 Cor. 15:58
About Marked Men for Christ
Marked Men For Christ seeks to help Christian men embrace more fully the gift of the Holy Spirit and the mark with which they were sealed at Baptism (2 Cor. 1:22). Working as a complement to others who proclaim the Gospel, but without affiliation to any denomination or pretense of becoming one, MMFC responds to the spiritual needs of men in contemporary society by sharing wisdom, exhorting holiness, and strengthening one another for mission in Jesus Christ.
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