We Did It!!!!
Great job guys!!! We made and surpassed our goal!!
I’m so excited that we did it and I know that we are making a huge difference in at least one person’s life.
The bake sales went really well! We made $109.50 from the bake sale and $238 from the Krispy Kreme sale. At the meeting last week, we decided to take the funds from both of these events, add them together, and then divide them in half. So, I donated half of the funds, $174, to this campaign! The remaining $173.5 will go to Philippines relief. We have not yet decided which organization to donate to.
Although I’m very proud of our success, there are still so many of you who haven’t raised any money!! Please invite your family and friends to donate to the campaign, even if we have achieved our goal already. I would love to see everyone on TEMA contribute in some way!
Thank you all so much! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!
Great Start!
The campaign has only been going for five days and we’re already 40% there!! We have three weeks left to get $600 and I know that we can do it! We will be having two bakesales, one on the 13th and one on the 20th, and I think that this will really push us forward.
A huge thank you to all of our donors so far and for everyone on TEMA!