Would you believe that in our Rajasthan:
–only 35.7% of children in Class III can read Class 1 level text?
–34% of children in Class III cannot recognize numbers between 11 and 99?
–32.8% of children in Class V cannot do basic division?
(source: 2011 Annual State of Education Report)
Yes, the situation is grim…but “Pratham” is doing something about it. So far, their programs and volunteer teachers have helped millions of children in India. We want to help Pratham scale up their efforts in Rajasthan, and for that, we need your help!
Will you join the Rajasthani community in the USA come together to drive this initiative?
$25,000 sponsors a district, which keeps 2,000 children stay in school and learning, along with training 200 volunteers to become viable Pratham teachers – a small amount for such far reaching impact.
We believe in this effort so much that the Asava family will match every dollar raised through this page, up to $12,500.
Every dollar counts, but timing is of essence. Please take action now. Periodic reports on progress that your gift has enabled, will be shared with you. You may also want to make time to visit the program during your next visit to India.
******************Thank you for becoming a part of the solution!***************************
If you know others who might be interested in contributing to this effort, please forward this page link to them. For more information about Pratham, click on the video link below, or contact me at [email protected].
By giving through SeeYourImpact, we know that 100% of our donations will be delivered directly to Pratham. Best of all, we’ll get photos and stories of the children whose lives we change!
Pratham means “first” in Sanskrit, a name that reflects their place in changing education for the poorest children in India. Pratham seeks to inspire people around the world to stand up for children’s education rights, and has opened chapters in Canada, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S.
Tell Asava Family why you
Pratham's cause!