Join Arvind in support of Pratham's Youth Education Fundraiser


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Support Pratham and give the gift of education.

In the footsteps of the Intel Education Service Corps program, I will be traveling to India in December to train 10 teachers to use computer technology. Please join me in supporting this wonderful opportunity to promote primary education in India by making a gift to Pratham. The funds raised through this matching challenge will go to Pratham’s rural programs to help children in the poorest areas.

Just a few words on why we are proud to support Pratham…“Every child in school and learning well”– Pratham’s mission is also in our hearts as we take pride in our achievements that are based on a great education. This is our opportunity to give back or pay it forward! Pratham innovations are based on the need of a grandest scale to tackle educational challenges in India. The Pratham network of nationwide volunteers puts every cent of donated money towards teaching methodology and resources focused on learning outcome.

By giving through SeeYourImpact, we know that 100% of our donations will be delivered directly to Pratham.  Best of all, we’ll get photos and stories of the children whose lives we change!

Read stories of real lives changed


10X10 Act is a global movement for girls’ education; a film and social campaign. 10X10 is supported by Intel and it partners with Pratham to change girls’ lives in the poorest regions of India.


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