Join Miriam in support of Oasis and Rainbow Center's Creating Community Campaign


25 from 1 donor 500 goal
Why are Oasis and the Rainbow Center co-locating?
There are many reasons to co-locate, but here are just a few examples of why:

  • ·Both Oasis and Rainbow Center are simply out of space! Combined, the two entities receive about 200 visits per week and are open for drop-in about 45 hours a week between the two centers.
  • ·For the first time in 28 years, Oasis will be moving into a public location. This is largely to do increased and visible public support of Oasis and LGBTQ youth. As we move, we want to model a healthy coming out process and our youth-adult partnership.
  • ·Oasis and Rainbow Center have been collaborating more and more in recent years. Co-location takes our connection to the next level. By co-locating, we hope to serve more youth and adults, create a vibrant hub for community dialogue and interaction, and build on new and existing relationships in the community.
  • ·We want to make the most of the community’s generosity. It is just a better use of time and money to build one great shared kitchen, for example, rather than two mediocre kitchens.
What does co-location mean?
Co-location means that Oasis and Rainbow Center will be physically connected in a building we have chosen together through a community process. Oasis will have its distinct space and entrance and Rainbow Center will have its distinct space and entrance. We will also have shared space, including a kitchen, meeting area, and more. Shared spaces will be scheduled according to the needs of Oasis and Rainbow Center. Co-location means that we can share resources and make the best use of the community’s contributions.
How do I know my donation will make a difference?
All donors will receive a story and a photo about the progress of the construction. Stories may also highlight the life of someone positively changed through your donation!
Who will be handling my donation?
The Pierce County AIDS Foundation is a Tacoma, Washington based 501(c)(3) nonprofit. They will handle the management and distribution of your donation.


Thanks to...

May 30
Kathleen view profile
Kathleen gave 25 for a share of ORC construction costs

What ORC will mean to me

Dear friends and family,

The local LGBTQA resource centers, Oasis Youth Center and the Rainbow Center, are moving, and I am fundraising to support this great project. For every donation of $15 and up, I will send you a pair of handmade earrings as a thank you giift. You will get to choose the pair you like because I will use my Iphone to send you photos to choose from!

The two centers will be sharing 6,000 sqft of space and starting a partnership that will enrich the entire lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and allied (LGBTQA) community. The new facility will feature:

–Increased operational hours
–More participants and engaged community members
–Expanded opportunities for educating the South Sound community about LGBTQ and Allied issues
–A national best practice model of partnership and collaboration

I am excited to be helping this new space come into existence. In order to make this dream a reality, I need your help to meet my fundraising goal. A lot of people and organizations are stepping up to be a part of our Creating Community Campaign! There are tons of volunteers, a supportive landlord, and many community partners who are enthusiastic about being a part of this amazing effort. I want to invite you to be a part of this project as well. Check out our campaign website at

Please help to support my personal fundraising goal by donating via my online giving page. Thank-you for helping me reach my goal and supporting the O.R.C. Creating Community Campaign!

Oasis and the Rainbow Center


Oasis, a program of the Pierce County AIDS Foundation, enhances and sustains the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth by saving individual lives, building community, and developing young leaders who can change the world.  Oasis is a youth-adult partnership in which young people and adults come together for shared teaching, learning and action.

The Rainbow Center is a safe, accessible and welcoming community space for meetings, activities and events that strengthen the lives of people in our community. We support Greater Pierce County by providing a centralized source of information and referral for and about the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. We provide visibility to the history, culture and diversity of our communities.

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