Join Fred in support of SICF's 'In Your Shoes' Campaign


50 from 1 donor 500 goal

All donations supportSponsor Iraqi Children Foundation.

What is the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation’s In Their Shoes Campaign?
It is a 5k Fun Run/Walk on May 4, 2013, to raise awareness and mobilize life changing support for desperately poor and vulnerable orphans and street children in Iraq.
What does $120 a month ($1,440/year) provide?
A gift of $120 a month covers all expenses for giving an orphan or street child the following loving services:
·$30 for a healthy breakfast and lunch
·$28 for tutoring, including teachers and school supplies
·$15 for social workers and home visits
·$47 for rental and maintenance of center as a safe haven, including security guard, cooking and housekeeping services, electricity, etc.
Where does my money go?
SICF works hard to keep its overhead expenses very low. In 2011, SICF business expenses came to less than 3.3% of the budget, and went to cover such operating expenses as website, tax/accounting, state registration, Paypal, and bank fees. SICF has no paid US staff. We are all volunteers. And we operate out of donated office space
How do I know my donation will make a difference?
All donors will receive a story and a photo about a life that has been changed through the work of Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation.


Thanks to...

Apr 14
Rie view profile
Rie gave 50 for six months of sponsorship for an Iraqi Child

Spending a Day "In Their Shoes"

“In Their Shoes”

Dear Friends & Family,

I am requesting your support in a 5K run to help raise funds for food, education, and emotional care for poor and vulnerable orphans and street children in Iraq.

The “In Their Shoes” 5K run will take place on May 4, 2013, at Burke Lake Park in Fairfax County, VA.

Please consider joining my team by donating a few dollars to support this worthy cause! From personal experience, I know the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation does great work and will put your tax-deductable donation to work to make a difference in the lives of these children.



Our mission is to assist the people of Iraq by mobilizing a life-changing campaign of love for millions of children orphaned by violence

The Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation is a US-based non-sectarian tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity (26-1394773) founded by two Americans who worked in Baghdad during the war. SICF is proud to support a center for orphans and street children, and to partner with the award-winning Children’s Village of New York to train Iraqi social workers with skills to address trauma in children. Among its other projects, SICF also mobilized an airlift of more than a ton of school supplies and toys for orphans.

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