
My special 20th birthday

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My special 20th birthday

Dear friends,

The day of February 4th, 2013 marks my 20th birthday. As round numbers don’t come often, I would love to celebrate it in a memorial way so that when I turn 50 someday in the future (don’t even wanna think about it but yeah, that day will come), I can satisfactorily look back at my 20th year in life with no regret.

Instead of throwing a luxurious party where friends are all invited (as my mom suggested), I would like to ask from each of you a small birthday present: A 2 euros donation to the most needed case on SeeYourImpact (on the right) or A donation to a specific case (rolling down for more info).

As a natural reaction, you might wonder why the hell you should donate 2 euros to a far-away country, to strange people you have never known, met, talked to, or to such an unfamiliar cause as this one. Here are the reasons why.

Reason 1#:
Because I know YOU HAVE A HEART OF GOLD. Don’t deny this. You may appear tough outside and never talk about things like charity work or altruism in the society, yet deep inside you feel touched when being aware that some people out there are living a hapless life.

Reason 2#:
Because you (I believe “truthfully”) claim in your CV when applying for an international company that YOU HAVE A GLOBAL MINDSET. You think, feel and live globally. You are aware of the fact that this big world is just a small village and that people far-away in distance can become close in relations someday.
I have recently been told of an interesting story about how a simple helpful action of yours to others can finally reciprocate. A Scottish man (forgot his name sorry) saved a drowned boy in a lake near his home. The boy’s father was so grateful that he gave the poor Scottish man’s own son some money for his studies. Twenty years later, the drown boy, by then a successful man, found out that he contracted a serious illness. While most doctors gave up on any treating efforts, he received the news that a scientist somewhere far-away invented a vaccine that could cure his disease. Therefore, the man was later saved. Hardly did he know that scientist was none other than the poor Scottish man’s son whom his father had given money for higher studies twenty years ago. The world, indeed, is a small village.

Reason 3#
Because YOU WILL SEE YOUR IMPACT. 2 weeks after your donation you will receive an email telling you exactly where your donation has been dispatched to, and how much it has helped the the person you want to help (for a specific cause). And even more, you will feel good for the whole day. Trust me, this feeling of giving to others is so content that it can keep you in high moods all day. I’ve done it, felt it, now it’s your turn to experience.

Reason 4#:
Because YOU WANT TO CONGRATULATE ME ON MY 20th BIRTHDAY. Whether we are good friends or not-so-close friends, whether you have known me for years or have never met me anywhere else but on facebook, I know you want to say Happy Birthday to me if you have a chance. If you think I have stepped into your life and left a mark, no matter what and how, please give my day a chance and do this kind behavior of helping the hapless. And after this day when you see me somewhere, just approach me and demand a hug. I’m sure I’m not gonna refuse.

Sincerely yours,
Fiona Mai :)

PS: (For Vietnamese friends) There are causes in Vietnam as well – Check below for more info. Or a more relevant cause is Cơm Có Thịt Finland / Việt Nam :D

Tell Fiona why you this cause!