Please help me make a difference
I am a sophomore at Vashon High School, I love reading, running, playing fast pitch softball and cooking. I have been working with Girls to Girls since the beginning, almost two years ago. I work as the organizer, the main writer for our flyers and website and occasionally as the speaker. I make sure everything is in order and I organize many of our events and fundraisers. I design the flyers for our events and write many of our website posts. I have also served as the speaker for our group in the past, presenting to donors and whoever is interested in our ideas.
When I was 9, I traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, Africa with my family. At first, I was scared. I’d never been out of the country before, but the trip turned out to be some of my most prized memories. I think what had the biggest impact on me was the poverty I saw. I noticed that children, who should have been in school, were helping their parents sell small items to tourists.
Five years later, when I was 14, I was lucky enough to go back. My second trip was with three other Girls to Girls group members to visit the schools we were helping at the time. The schools welcomed us with open arms. Many of the students at the schools don’t have much, but they are some of the happiest, nicest people I have ever met. They know to appreciate the things they do have, instead of focusing on what they don’t have. A lesson many of us should consider more often.
My experiences in Kenya have forever changed me for the better. Since then, I have been determined to make a difference. Last year, our group raised $4000 to send at least 10 girls to school in 2014. Our goal with this campaign is to raise $2500. We will also host other fundraising events to try and get to $4000 by the end of the year. Can you help me make a difference? Anything you can contribute will help.
Thanks for your support and Happy Holidays!
SeaVuria - Inspiring students to act globally by connecting them globally!
SEAVURIA is dedicated to connecting students and teachers across the globe, striving to create global awareness and sustainable partnerships.
Using STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) curricula, SEAVURIA engages students in the US and Kenya in synchronous studies designed to foster collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving. Global health scientists mentor students over the web, offering career information and cutting edge science ideas.
Technological tools afford us opportunities to connect and engage young people in discussions about important global issues. They learn from one another, serve as role models for one another, realize opportunities and are inspired to take action.
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