Join Arielle in support of Butler University Timmy Students’ Global Health Equity Campaign


425 from 6 donors 500 goal
What is the Global Health Equity Campaign?
Butler students are working with Timmy Global Health to expand access to healthcare to low-income patients throughout Guatemala.
How does it work?
Make a donation today and your funds will be used to support Timmy’s ongoing community health programming for patients in need.
Where does the money go?
All donations go to help Timmy Global Health use community-based solutions to fight help disparities in Guatemala. Donations made to Butler Timmy Students will go directly to our patients and partners in Guatemala to buy vitamins/medicine, cover patient referrals, and to provide continually care year-round.
Why participate?
Because with your donation you are helping to ensure that low-income patients in Guatemala have access to the critical healthcare services they need and deserve.

Thanks to...

Nov 20
Kelsey view profile
Kelsey gave 10 for a share of Timmy Global Health general programming costs
Nov 17
Lauren view profile
Lauren made a 100 contribution
Nov 14
Sherri view profile
Sherri made a 20 contribution
Hayden view profile
Hayden gave 250 for a share of Timmy Global Health general programming costs
Nov 13
Andy & Joanie view profile
Andy & Joanie made a 20 contribution
Bob view profile
Bob made a 25 contribution

Help me bring health equity to patients throughout Guatemala

My dear friends and family,

Timmy Global Health is an organization that is working to empower students to provide healthcare to places in the world that truly need it. Our chapter has the wonderful opportunity to travel to Guatemala this coming May and help Timmy with its ground efforts, working in a student-led medical team to assist doctors, nurses and pharmacists in providing care. What’s so unique about our organization is that we provide CONTINUITY! Other collegiate chapters in the US have designated times of the year, ours being May, and each chapter returns yearly with a medical team so that there are clinics held in these Guatemalan communities every 2 months! This is continuous care and this is why we as Timmy are so unique and effective! We are their PRIMARY physicians and care.

This will be my second time going to Guatemala since being a member of Timmy Global Health and I couldn’t have imagined myself being even MORE excited than I was last May before my first trip; well it happened, my excitement has somehow doubled and I just can’t keep it to myself! My peers have elected me Vice President of the Butler Chapter which entails coordinating the entire upcoming brigade. I’m ecstatic about being such a huge part of this next service trip and I hope that you will help me make it as successful as possible with your donations!

Please join me in helping Timmy Global Health provide medical support by donating to my fundraising campaign. Your generosity will help combat health disparities by providing public health education programs, access to primary care physicians, and prescription and over the counter medication along with transportation, financial support, and follow up care for patients who require referrals and advanced treatment. Your donations go directly to the patients that I will personally see in clinic this coming May and I would be so excited to share patients stories after the trip so that you can see exactly who you have impacted with your donation!

If you haven’t already picked up on my social media, I have a growing passion for global health, eliminating health disparities, and sharing our abundant resources to those in dire need! My work with Timmy has already been such a rewarding experience, and everyone I have met in this organization is truly passionate about what they do. I am so LUCKY to be a part of this life-changing organization and want to be able to raise money to ensure the continuation of care for our patients in Guatemala. Help make this goal possible by directly contributing to the communities we work in! I am looking forward to the opportunity to work on the ground, meet more of these people and learn even more about the culture of Guatemala while assisting doctors and nurses in providing medical care. Thank you so much for your support!!

Yours truly,
Arielle :)

About Timmy Global Health

Timmy Global Health works to expand access to healthcare to communities that are most in need by responsibly integrating students and volunteers into sustainable global health programs. Each year, we treat 14,000 patients in 5 countries by sending over 600 volunteers to support our clinics abroad. All while ensuring that 94% of our annual budget goes directly to programming.

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